Inner Privilege

Mutiara Nurani
4 min readJan 14, 2022


When talk about “privilege”, though there are amount varies number of variabels relate, we all tend to directly think of stuff which leads to material or job positions that people have. Some will mention it with “love” they have given and received. The other half will probably answer their current health condition or even able to have surrounded by their beloved family, couple, and friends.

And i do think the same way, sometimes. I feel blessed too; to think about the whole that I got and has me within it now. I do feel sometimes left out — with the things i didn’t have enough of when others can specifically know how it feels to the fullest. We are the parties which experienced it all in such a different way ever since we born.

It’s all started subconsciously when i first time catching up with journaling. I enjoyed the content of its going through my timeline. I love to see people writing down to answer the questions like, “things to do” or simply like, “how are you feeling today”. The outpouring of positivity has its own feeling from people who constantly doing what they planned to and endeavor to reach “the person” they want to be and also resulting. I said i enjoy it, and i want to do the same so i try. I made a sequence of “productive activities” to joining the trend such as reading book, studying with min. 2 hours/day, work out, planting, read good article, etc. It was fun but i can’t stick with that for a long time. The enthusiasm to daily journaling only last a few day — then its ran out. These activities are also slowly disappearing and I don’t even do them at all anymore.

The second time make me fully realize of it. One day i scrolled on my ig’s timeline, it was a normal day for me. I decided to follow a lot of people with positive vibes on my second account besides my close friends — with the think they will indirectly affect to my positive energy as well. Until i saw a post that stopped me — someone finally gets a chance to step forward with his forever dreams. I’m happy for him, really. Before that day, i thought we were in the same start with same dream to go. I thought that our track is 'almost' same because we’re willing and wanting the same thing. But he got it first. I watched this person growing from 0 to the next level of now he stated in-as he often share of what he did every day, a content creator. And from somewhere, i eventually come up with this term i refer to as Inner Privilege.

The idea of it popping up while some people could maybe think will get envy with other people’s achievement, i realize it was the first time i got desperately want the passion, courageous, and consistency of other. At the moment i knew, i really wanted to have a strong commitment spirit in the some level of privilege like them but never really acknowledge it before and never willing to do the same way. That person has shown me the ultimate cost of those inner privilege if you’re soul will have and do it in your daily basis, i thought.

So i think that way, the courage to do certain things you perceive that is good for you and believe it’ll results for better you in the future, consistently, is an inner privilege. They who embraced their life with a high degree of passion and enthusiasm. A soul privilege that not everyone can have it inside them. It’s all growing deep there in your soul, indeed. And you are fully in a control of it, being the capt of your soul.

Like Ralph Waldo Emerson has said that, “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm”, people who have the enthusiastic to do productive, will have eager and dedicated to do whatever they want to with the positive energy which come along with total process. They have a strong believe that they will results as it will work, the necessary for growth. Big or small step, it counts great. They’re step ahead of success within only the passion to move they have.

I speak my view as the opponent who see — who think myself this time feel can’t relate. I know it’s always tending on the circumstances. Although people with the inner soul privilege could sometimes lost it all, lost track of time working on something that they were passionate about, i believe that it will comeback again after the storm cause their passion and courage. Those doesn’t get the privilege spontaneously, they too have to craving for motivation before finally commit. Stay motivated cause they knew it’s all what they do purposely for better them. And i admit it that i got envy with people who is now have them, have the commitment and be brave for their selves to take a risk and stay in their line, have an eager with stuff that mostly hard consistent to do.

We are conditioned to be a certain way. While other privilege is given, i think this one is earned. I’m not saying that if we don’t have the inner privilege of passion right now, we won’t have them in the future. We may not “that person” to have the entire privilege now, but tomorrow or someday, if you are willing to have it, you’ll get these with, to evolve.

I’m happy for you that if you are now have those Inner Privilege. Your courage will pay off, one day, sooner or later. I’m happy for you that you’re processing even with the push through. The passion, courageous, and consistency that you hold on to as it is will come off with the goal you have set up for. You’re cool, I saw it. And for those who are now still suffering to get back to the track with spirit, courage, and consistency or even plan to start over, you’re doing great, exactly.



Mutiara Nurani
Mutiara Nurani

Written by Mutiara Nurani

I write to release, to recall, to live, and to love over again

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